Home is Behind,
the World Ahead.

Hobbiton. Lucy Lawless. Flight of the Conchords. Lorde. My first stop on this trip will be the most beautiful and peaceful place I can possibly imagine—New Zealand, my home away from home.

There’s a 76% chance that I will never leave.

This will be my third (and hopefully not final) trip to New Zealand. I’ll be flying into Christchurch and then bouncing around the North and South islands to visit some new places while revisiting a few old favorites.

The reality of what I’m doing is starting to set in. I leave in two days and I feel woefully unprepared. I’m trying to fit five months of my life into a carry-on, proving to be especially difficult when packing for all four seasons.

I’ve booked the first few weeks of this trip ahead of time and will be figuring things out as I go. I have a rough idea of the places I want to visit but want the flexibility to pivot in case I’m enjoying (or hating) a place.

Hopefully this doesn’t blow up in my face.

I’m going to be very far away. For a very long time. At least a day away from the closest person I know. My anxiety and fear will transform into excitement once my feet touch down on the ground, but right now, everything feels a bit overwhelming.

My flight is booked. My bag is packed. Time to bring the ring to Mordor and hope I make it back in one piece.

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